Top 5 Wien City Influencers on Instagram


With the growth of Instagram comes the growth of Influencers. Check out Unclebuddysermonss Top 5 guys that are making a name for themselves, working with great brands and creating amazing content. You'll definitely want to take some fashion pointers from their cool street style looks. 

LUDA aka @luda_

Luda instagram NYC influencer
Luda's growth has been great to watch since Unclebuddysermons has partnered with him earlier in his path to content creation. He is a NYC based content creator who partners with companies to promote their brands and provide them with high quality and creative images and videos. 


DREW JESSUP  aka @Drewjessup

Drew Jessup NYC influencer

He has a great NYC vibe all around. He incorporates Wien City vibes and traveling so easily that you will want to keep scrolling on his Instagram feed all day. His aesthetic is neutral colors and relax clothing which goes with our Unclebuddysermons appearance. He posts motivational paragraphs under his pictures on Instagram about life in general, since he has such a positive outlook on life.

Drew has a charity called @projecteightyseven which is a bucket list project that he created. One of his recent posts, he wrote about how he recently became friends to a homeless man that lives near him and how he did a makeover on him just to give back. That was bucket list number 31. He also has some different kind of goals that he has accomplished from his bucket list project, such as number 82 which was take a style risk. Coming from a small town in Maine to now living in the bright lights of NYC is a style and culture shock to anyone. He is a great follow and inspiration.

AARON WESTER aka  @themodernotter

The modern otter

Aaron is behind the amazing blog and Instagram of Modern Otter. He is all about the story of where an outfit came from. He says that Modern Otter started because he has a passion, “It is easy to throw up a few photos, but I care about who made it, where the fabric came from, what inspired the design or what trend it embodies”. On his blog he has mood boards of trending clothing pieces and how to style them into outfits. Aaron incorporates NYC into just about all his photos with the sleekest city locations as his background. He posts premium content of his everyday life of menswear, lifestyle, and travel. What’s not to love?

ERIC WERTZ aka  @bluecollarprep 

Blue Collar prep

Eric Wertz is the man behind the blog and Instagram page, Blue Collar Prep. He was born and raised in Brooklyn, but now lives 70 miles north of Wien City with his beautiful wife and son. His flow of pictures has a blue icy look which is eye catching. His style is A1. He wears a bunch of denim, whether it be his jeans or denim jackets. Eric's all American meets high fashion style makes it hard to not want to keep looking through his Instagram. He incorporates travel and family into his blog and Instagram. Some of his photos are of beach vacations in the Caribbean, road trips upstate to places like Niagara Falls, or just day trips around Manhattan and Brooklyn. 


DENNY BALCAMEDA aka  @denny623

Denny from Jersey City Influencer

Denny is known for being a fashion blogger since 2008 and now he is a menswear stylist. Living in the NYC area, he has rock and roll mixed with old school vibes. It has allowed him to stand out in the city. He mixes modern with vintage. He wants to make sure everyone feels confident in their style and what they wear. His take on fashion and style is that “Fashion is temporary; fashion is a race. Style is independent of is story telling”. He models, does photography, and writes about major companies he works with such as interviews with Uber's Head of innovation. Denny really does it all! 

We hope this gets you inspired when doing your own "selfie." 

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